Revolver X Electronics
The electronics are nicely tucked into a project box. Revolver X runs on a
14.4V electronics system. The 3-way solenoid valve is rated at 12v, but
works well with 14v too. The chamber fan is rated at 6-14V, so it runs
nicely. The 300,000 volt stun gun ignition uses 18v, but will produce the
same spark with 9v, so it works like a dream at 14.4v. The Exhaust Fan is
a 12v fan, but seems to work well with the setup. The batteries consist of
two 7.2v remote control car batteries. They last forever, but should they
go dead, I have a quick charger which charges them in 15 minutes each.
More details on the project box and exhaust fan coming soon...
By the way, the blue thing on the side of the chamber was a temporary
1/8" plug, which was constructed at 4 a.m., with no hardware stores open I
had to rig something up! It will soon be replaced with a nice brass or
chrome 1/8" plug.