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My Coaxial Pneumatic Launcher

This launcher took several hours of build time and design time, and also about 4 hours of lathe work.  It looks kind of bad with the primer, but I had to really rush to get it pieced together before the PVC got stuck in the wrong place.  It will look much better as soon as I get it painted (the breech end has some paint on it already).  I learned a lot while making this gun, such as to make more complicated launchers a lathe is very handy.  I think that this launcher is pretty unique for the fact that it is a coaxial gun, and also a breechloader.  The 1.5" barrel actually passes through the 4" chamber.  As you can see this is a pretty massive gun, but is still easily handled which was one of my design criteria.  Another unique aspect of this gun is the built in ramrod, it's actually a funny story of how I came up with this idea, it just sort of popped into my mind while I was using the restroom.  The built in ramrod pushes the potato up past the 1.5 inch tee, which is where the air comes into the barrel from the chamber. 


I am very photogenic as you can see from this picture..... HA HA

Breech detail of built in ramrod and loading procedure



navigation may be malfunctioning... fix to come soon.