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Finally, advancedspuds has it's own forum! Check it out!
Welcome to! Let advancedspuds be your source of info
for spudguns and spudgun related information!
A spudgun or "potato gun" is a device used to launch
potatoes or other produce hundreds of yards. Many variations can be made
on the simple concept of a basic launcher. This site is an attempt to
record my spud gun exploits and provide details of my launchers and any advanced
concepts that may be hard to find elsewhere on the net.
My site features many upgrades and concepts, such as: stun gun
ignition, different types of ignition, propane metering, various propane meter
designs, breech loading, chamber fans, various barrels, propellants, spudgun
silencers, valves, pneumatic designs and much more. I am constantly
updating, so there is always something new on the site.
Free potato gun plans are featured as well
as many useful pictures and ideas to help you on your quest for the ultimate
launcher. Enjoy!
Be sure to check out the My Launchers
section for Revolver X and many other unique
launchers. Also, please read my disclaimer before attempting to build a
potato gun.