Revolver X
Revolver X started like many of my spudgun ideas, an idle
thought that has grown into what it is now. Revolver
X has been completed, but it still has bugs to work out. Revolver
X is as the name suggests, a revolver type spudgun. The main goal was to
create a spudgun with a very fast rate of fire, and to try to make something
that hadn't been made many times before. There is only one instance of a
revolving spudgun on the internet, and it is a pay site which charges for
plans. This is Revolver X, enjoy!
Here are a few preview pics of what's in store:
X started out as a few sketches, and evolved into a prototype drawing.
Here you will find a description of the prototype, and see how the design
advanced along the way.
<---Click here for prototype information
X uses a check valve, or one way valve, in combination with a 12v high speed
fan, to aid in rapidly exhausting spent fuel. This is highly important
when dealing with rapid firing launchers such as this one.
<---Click here for check valve information and
detailed description
chamber fan is capable of moving 33.24 CFM. The fan aids in fuel
mixing. Once again, fuel mix is very important when dealing with any
launcher. The lighted fan has been replaced with a modified slot fan.
<---Click here for fan info and detailed
you will find eye candy, or really good looking images. There are three pictures now, but as the launcher nears completion, there will no doubt be more
to come.
<---Click here for Eye Candy!
you will find pictures of the finished gun. Enjoy!
<---Click here for Finished Pictures of
Revolver X!
fuel meter is quite complicated, but it allows fuel to be injected
electronically at the push of a button.
<---Click here for Fuel Injection System Info!
ignition system on Revolver X utilizes a 300,000v stun gun, and an adaptation of
the spark strip that I like to call a "Spark Rod."!
<---Click here for Ignition Information!
X runs on a 14.4V electronics system. Here you will find information on
the system.
<---Click here for Electronics Info!
Exhaust system information coming soon...